Friday, January 6, 2012

Friday Blog Review

Good Morning!  The temperatures have moderated somewhat and we are back on track.  The long nights of keeping a fire going continue, so we are having to build in a short nap time during the day for those of us with that job.  Friday is banking and errand day, so much of the afternoon will be spent away from the farm, handling business, getting groceries, buying feed, etc.  I will also be preparing for tonight's celebration of the anniversary of Michaela's birth.  I can't believe it was 18 years ago that my little Roo was born.  Time has certainly flown and she has turned into a very strong, self-reliant young woman.

Tomorrow I will be traveling with Michaela (18), Samantha(7), and a friend up to Concord to pick up Samantha's Nigerian Dwarf kid.  We've never had these before, so a new experience awaits us.  When Michaela began showing goats she was much older, so a small animal was not necessary.  Then, when Joshua(9) tried it, he was much too young, the goat was much too large, and there was way too much to milk.  Consequently, he was turned off quite rapidly.  I am hoping to avoid those mistakes this time around. The Nigerian Dwarfs are quite small, even when full-grown, and give only a small amount of milk at a time.

Samantha's is a little black and white doeling who is 7 weeks old.  She is extremely excited and has been working hard the last 6 months taking care of the cashmere goats, the chickens, and, lately, our Great Pyrenees puppy, Major, to prove to me that she can handle her own goat.  Tomorrow she gets her reward.

I would like to start introducing you to some of the blogs I read.  I enjoy a wide variety of blogs, from godly womanhood to home organizing to preparedness to political, so there is no telling what I may be sharing any one week.  Hopefully, this will introduce you to some you haven't met yet that will inspire, encourage, and challenge you.

This week I want to introduce you to A Wise Woman Builds Her Home.  June Fuentes is a wife and a mother of eight children who treats her blog as her home and has a warm welcome and encouraging words for all who visit.  It is so uplifting to visit with someone who views her job as wife and mother as a noble and important calling and who is so gifted at putting it in words that you cannot help but leave feeling lighter and stronger.  She has also written an ebook entitled True Christian Motherhood.  For more info on the book, including reviews, you can go here.  I have just downloaded it and am looking forward to reading it.  Maybe next week I can include a review.  In the meantime, check out her blog and some of the incredible links on her sidebar.  I bet you will come away strengthened for the day and a new positive outlook on your job as mother.

May Yahweh bless you in this new day!


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